§ 5-8.1-4 - Board of registration for professional land surveyors Authority, powers, and duties.
SECTION 5-8.1-4
§ 5-8.1-4 Board of registration forprofessional land surveyors Authority, powers, and duties. (a) The duty of the board of land surveyors is to administer the provisions ofthis chapter in regards to the regulation of professional land surveying andthe registration of professional land surveyors.
(b) The board of land surveyors may establish any rules andregulations for the conduct of its own proceedings, for examination ofapplicants, for registration of professional land surveyors and surveyors intraining, for continuing education requirements, and for governing the practiceof land surveying, that it deems appropriate.
(2) Upon July 12, 1990, the rules and regulations in effectprior to that date shall remain in effect until adoption of new rules andregulations.
(c) The board of professional land surveyors shall holdexaminations for qualified individuals applying for registration asprofessional land surveyors or for certification as surveyors-in-training atleast once a year.
(d) The board of land surveyors shall issue certificates ofregistration to individuals who have qualified to practice professional landsurveying under the provisions of this chapter.
(e) The board of professional land surveyors has the power tosuspend, refuse to renew, or revoke certificates of registration in accordancewith the provisions of this chapter. In all disciplinary proceedings broughtpursuant to this chapter, the board has the power to administer oaths, tosummon witnesses and to compel the production of documents in accordance withprocedures applicable in the superior court. Upon failure of any person toappear to produce documents in accordance with the board's order, the board mayapply to a court of any jurisdiction to enforce compliance with the order.
(f) The board of professional land surveyors is authorized inthe name of the state to apply for relief by injunction in the establishedmanner provided in cases of civil procedure, without bond, to enforce theprovisions of this chapter, or to restrain any violations of this chapter. Inthose proceedings, it is not necessary to allege or prove, either that anadequate remedy at law does not exist or that substantial or irreparable damagewould result from the continued violation of this chapter. The members of theboard are not personally liable under this proceeding.
(g) No action or other legal proceedings for damages shall beinstituted against the board or against any board member or employee of theboard for any act done in good faith and in the intended performance of anypower granted under this chapter or for any neglect or default in theperformance or exercise in good faith of that duty or power.
(h) The board is empowered to collect any fees and chargesprescribed in this chapter and to apply the fees and charges to the cost offulfilling the requirements and responsibilities of this chapter.