§ 5-8.1-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 5-8.1-2
§ 5-8.1-2 Definitions. The following definitions apply in the interpretation of the provisions of thischapter, unless the context requires another meaning:
(1) "ABET" means the Accreditation Board for Engineering andTechnology.
(2) "Accredited program" means an approved program or courseof study currently accredited and subject to review by the accepted nationalorganization ABET (land surveying) and any other similar school or course ofstudy which fulfills equivalent requirements which the board approves.
(3) "Applicant" means an individual who has submitted anapplication for registration to practice land surveying as asurveyor-in-training, and/or a certification of authorization.
(4) "Board of land surveyors", "board of professional landsurveyors" or "board" means the board of registration for professional landsurveyors, as subsequently provided by this chapter.
(5) "Candidate" means a person who has the qualificationsprerequisite by statute and board regulation for admission to examination andwho has filed with the board an application for registration accompanied by therequired examination fee.
(6) "Certificate of registration" means a certificate issuedby the board of professional land surveyors to a person to engage in theprofession regulated by the board.
(7) "Experience" means combined office and field work in landsurveying satisfactory to the board, including any work which is performedunder the direct control and personal supervision of a professional landsurveyor.
(8) "Land surveyor-in-training" means a person who hasqualified for, taken and passed an examination in the fundamentals of landsurveying.
(9) "NCEES" means the National Council of Examiners forEngineering and Surveying.
(10) "Part-time" means any type of employment or workengagement that requires less than twenty (20) hours of labor per week.
(11) "Practice of land surveying" means any service or work,the adequate performance of which involves the application of special knowledgeof the principles of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences andthe relevant requirements of law for adequate evidence to perform the act ofmeasuring and locating lines, angles, elevations, natural and manmade featuresin the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings, and onthe beds of bodies of water for the purpose of determining areas and volumes,for the monumenting of property boundaries and for the platting and layout oflands and their subdivisions, including the topography, alignment, and gradesof streets and for the preparation of maps, record plats, field note recordsand property descriptions that represent these surveys.
(12) "Practice or offer to practice" means a person whoengages in land surveying, or who by verbal claim, sign, letterhead, card or inany other way represents himself or herself to be a professional land surveyor.
(13) "Principal" means an individual who is a registeredprofessional land surveyor and who is an officer, shareholder, director,partner, member, manager or owner of that organization and who is inresponsible charge of an organization's professional practice for which he orshe is registered.
(14) "Professional land surveyor" means a person who has beenduly registered as a professional land surveyor by the board established underthis chapter, and who is a professional specialist in the technique ofmeasuring land, educated in the basic principles of mathematics, the relatedphysical and applied sciences and the relevant requirements of law for adequateevidence and all to surveying of real property and engaged in the practice ofland surveying as defined in this section.
(15) "Registrant" means an individual who has been issued acertificate of registration by the board of professional land surveyors.
(16) "Registrant's seal" means an emblem of a type, shape,and size and as specified by the board of registration of professional landsurveyors for use by an individual registrant to stamp legal descriptions finaldrawings, specifications, and reports.
(17) "Related curriculum" means an educational program ofsufficient length and academic quality and content to satisfy the board.
(18) "Responsible charge" means direct control and personalsupervision of the work performed. No person may serve in responsible charge ofland surveying work done in Rhode Island unless that person is registered as aprofessional land surveyor by the board.
(19) "Rules and regulations" means that document of the sametitle, as amended from time to time, that has been duly adopted by the board ofprofessional land surveyors and which prescribes the manner in which that boardadministers its affairs and establishes rules of conduct, procedures, andstandards for adherence by all persons registered by the board, filed with thesecretary of state in accordance with the provisions of §§ 42-35-3(a)and 42-35-4(b), and this chapter.