§ 5-78-2 - Contract requirements.
SECTION 5-78-2
§ 5-78-2 Contract requirements. (a) Each contract for social referral services shall provide that such contractmay be cancelled at anytime up until midnight of the third (3rd) business dayafter the date of receipt by the buyer of a copy of the written contract, bywritten notice, delivered by certified or registered United States mail to theseller at an address which shall be specified in the contract.
(b) In every contract for social referral services, theseller shall furnish to the buyer a fully completed copy of the contract at thetime of its execution, which shows the date of the transaction and contains thename and address of the seller, and in the immediate proximity to the spacereserved in the contract for the signature of the buyer and in not less thanten (10) point bold face type, a statement in substantially the following form:
"You, the buyer, may cancel this contract at any time priorto midnight of the third business day after your receipt of this contract. Seethe attached notice of cancellation for an explanation of this right."
(2) At the time the buyer signs the social referral servicescontract, a statement captioned "Notice of Cancellation" shall be contained inthe contract and shall contain, in not less than ten (10) point bold face type,the following information and statements:
"Notice of Cancellation"
"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (Date ofTransaction)
You may cancel this contract, without any penalty orobligation, at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after yourreceipt of this contract by mailing this signed and dated notice ofcancellation by certified or registered United States mail to the seller at thefollowing address: ]]]]]]]]]]]]]] If you cancel, any payments made by you underthe contract will be returned within ten (10) business days following receiptby the seller of your cancellation notice."
(3) All moneys paid pursuant to any contract for socialservices shall be refunded within ten (10) business days of receipt of thenotice of cancellation.
(c) The consumer's right of rescission shall not be waived,sold or abrogated in any way or manner.