§ 5-74.1-6 - Certificate of registration; issuance or denial; renewal.
SECTION 5-74.1-6
§ 5-74.1-6 Certificate of registration;issuance or denial; renewal. – (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) herein the secretary ofstate shall issue a certificate of registration to an individual who complieswith subsection 5-74.1-5(a) or whose application has been accepted undersubsection 5-74.1-5(b).
(b) The secretary of state may refuse to issue a certificateof registration if the secretary of state determines that the applicant hasengaged in conduct that has a significant adverse effect on the applicant'sfitness to act as an athlete agent. In making the determination, the secretaryof state may consider whether the applicant has:
(1) Been convicted of a crime that, if committed in thisstate, would be a crime involving moral turpitude or a felony;
(2) Made a materially false, misleading, deceptive, orfraudulent representation in the application or as an athlete agent;
(3) Engaged in conduct that would disqualify the applicantfrom serving in a fiduciary capacity;
(4) Engaged in conduct prohibited by § 5-74.1-14;
(5) Had a registration or licensure as an athlete agentsuspended, revoked, or denied or been refused renewal of registration orlicensure as an athlete agent in any state;
(6) Engaged in conduct the consequence of which was that asanction, suspension, or declaration of ineligibility to participate in aninterscholastic or intercollegiate athletic event was imposed on astudent-athlete or educational institution; or
(7) Engaged in conduct that significantly adversely reflectson the applicant's credibility, honesty, or integrity.
(c) In making a determination under subsection (b) herein,the secretary of state shall consider:
(1) How recently the conduct occurred;
(2) The nature of the conduct and the context in which itoccurred; and
(3) Any other relevant conduct of the applicant.
(d) An athlete agent may apply to renew a registration bysubmitting an application for renewal in a form prescribed by the secretary ofstate. An application filed under this section is a public record. Theapplication for renewal must be signed by the applicant under penalty ofperjury and must contain current information on all matters required in anoriginal registration.
(e) An individual who has submitted an application forrenewal of registration or licensure in another state, in lieu of submitting anapplication for renewal in the form prescribed pursuant to subsection (d)herein, may file a copy of the application for renewal and a valid certificateof registration or licensure from the other state. The secretary of state shallaccept the application for renewal from the other state as an application forrenewal in this state if the application to the other state:
(1) Was submitted in the other state within six (6) monthsnext preceding the filing in this state and the applicant certifies theinformation contained in the application for renewal is current;
(2) Contains information substantially similar to or morecomprehensive than that required in an application for renewal submitted inthis state; and
(3) Was signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.
(f) A certificate of registration or a renewal of aregistration is valid for two (2) years.
(g) Upon the secretary of state's approval of anyregistration for an athlete agent, the secretary of state's office will notifythe athletic director of any institution of higher education within the stateof Rhode Island that participates in intercollegiate athletics at the DivisionI, II, or III level by providing that office with a copy of the agent'sregistration and disclosure statements.