§ 5-71-13 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of licenses.
SECTION 5-71-13
§ 5-71-13 Grounds for suspension orrevocation of licenses. The board may recommend to the director of the department of health theissuance, renewal, or revocation of a license, or suspension, placement onprobation, censure or reprimand a licensee, or any other disciplinary actionthat the board may deem appropriate, for conduct that may result from, but notnecessarily be limited to:
(1) Obtaining his or her license by means of fraud,misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts;
(2) Being guilty of fraud, misrepresentation, concealment ormaterial misstatement of facts or deceit in connection with his or her servicesrendered as an interpreter or transliterator for the deaf;
(3) Being guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined by therules established by the department in consultation with the board, and/or hasviolated any standard of professional or ethical conduct adopted by theNational registry of Interpreters for the deaf;
(4) Violating the continuing education requirements of thischapter as defined in § 5-71-9(d);
(5) Violating any lawful order, or any provision of thischapter or of the rules or regulations promulgated in this chapter;
(6) Aiding or assisting another person in violating anyprovision of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted under this chapter;
(7) Departure from or failure to conform to the currentstandards of acceptable and prevailing practice of interpreting for the deaf.