§ 5-70-5 - Form of license and registration.
SECTION 5-70-5
§ 5-70-5 Form of license and registration. Three (3) major forms of license shall be issued with the two (2) higherlicenses carrying certification for one or more of the four (4) category(s), asdefined within this chapter, for which qualified:
(1) Telecommunications system contractor. TSC licenseshall be issued to any person qualified under this chapter representingthemselves, individually, or a firm or corporation engaging in or about toengage in, the business of designing, installing, altering, servicing, and/ortesting telecommunications systems.
(ii) Qualification shall be evidenced by passing theexamination(s) for any or all of the categories of telecommunications systemsdescribed in this chapter, and applicants who hold an equivalent out-of-statelicense, as determined by this board, issued by another state shall be allowedto take the Rhode Island form TSC license examination. Applicants for TSClicense who hold no equivalent form of TSC license issued in another state andshow evidence of three (3) years of verifiable and continuous contractingexperience, immediately preceding the date of application and are registered toconduct business in the state of Rhode Island, will be allowed to take theRhode Island form of TSC examination. Applicants who do not meet thesequalifications shall have been licensed as a Rhode Island telecommunicationsystems technician for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years, immediatelypreceding the date of application, in order to qualify to take the TSCexamination, and shall have been registered to conduct business in the state ofRhode Island.
(iii) The holding of a TSC license shall entitle the holderindividually to contract for, engage in, and/or perform the actual work ofdesigning, installing the type(s) of telecommunications systems for which theywere granted certification. No individual shall be required to hold more thanone form of license.
(2) Telecommunications systems technician. TST licenseshall be issued to any person who passes the examination(s) as defined withinthis chapter for any or all of the categories of telecommunications systemsdescribed in this chapter.
(ii) The holding of a TST license shall entitle the holderindividually to perform the actual work of installing, altering, servicing,and/or testing the type(s) of telecommunications systems for which they weregranted certification. All the work performed shall be under the supervision ofthe holder of a TSC license.
(3) Telecommunications system limited installer. TSLIlicense shall be issued to any person who passes the examination as definedwithin this chapter and as described in this section.
(ii) The holding of a TSLI license shall entitle the holderto perform the actual work of installation of wiring, low voltage surfaceraceway, enclosures, and wiring devices directly associated with atelecommunications system. Connection to, installation of, or servicing oftelecommunications devices shall only be performed under the direct supervisionof a holder of a TST or TSC license.
(4) Trainee/telecommunications apprentice. Registeredtrainees/telecommunications apprentices may be employed to perform the actualwork of installation of wiring, low voltage surface raceway, enclosures, andwiring devices directly associated with a telecommunications system under thedirect supervision of a holder of a TST or TSC license.
(ii) Trainees/telecommunication apprentices shall be requiredto register with the licensing authority subsequent to employment by a person,firm, or corporation licensed as a TSC under this chapter; and prior to beingpermitted to perform any actual installation work.
(iii) The registered trainee/telecommunication apprenticeshall not be permitted to make connection to, install or servicetelecommunications devices. No more than two (2) registeredtrainees/telecommunication apprentices can be directly supervised by a singleTSC or TST license holder.