§ 5-70-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 5-70-3
§ 5-70-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Design" means the act of creating a document, eithermanually or electronically, that defines the layout, placement and/orconfiguration of telecommunication devices, infrastructure components and/orphysical topology(s); trunking or distribution routing(s) and/or their materialcomponents; telecommunication outlet locations and/or their materialcomponents; telecommunication closet locations and/or their material componentsfor the purpose of defining telecommunication work licensed within thischapter. This definition does not include the recording of changes to a designdocument that reflect field changes made during installation of thetelecommunication system detailed in the design document.
(2) "Residential dwelling" means a dwelling with one or morerooms for the use of one or more persons as a housekeeping unit with space foreating, living and sleeping, and permanent provisions for sanitation.
(3) "Telecommunication device" means an analog or digitalelectronic device which processes data, telephony, video, or sound transmissionas part of a telecommunications system.
(4) "Telecommunications systems" means any system involved inthe sending and/or receiving at a distance of voice, sound, data, and/or videotransmissions.
(5) "Telecommunications systems contractors" means acorporation, firm or person who, by the employment of licensedtelecommunications installers and technicians, performs the work oftelecommunications systems in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(6) "Telecommunications systems limited installer" means aperson who, by reason of his or her knowledge of general principles andfundamentals of telecommunications systems installation including relevantcodes and regulations, is qualified to engage in the installation oftelecommunications system equipment as attested to by his or her licensing as atelecommunications system limited installer in this state.
(7) "Telecommunications systems technician" means a personwho, by reason of his or her knowledge of the mathematical and physicalsciences, and the principles, functions and fundamentals of one or more of thecategories of telecommunications systems defined under provisions of thischapter acquired by professional education and/or practical experience, shallbe qualified to engage in telecommunications work as attested by his or herlicensing as a telecommunications system technician in this state.
(8) The category "data communications" means use or operationof apparatus for transmission of digitized information between distant pointswith or without connecting wires.
(9) The category "sound" means use or operation of apparatusfor transmission of sounds and especially music and/or speech between distantpoints with or without connecting wires for broadcast or disbursement over adefined area.
(10) The category "telephony" means use or operation ofapparatus for transmission of sounds and especially speech between distantpoints with or without connecting wires.
(11) The category "video communications" means use oroperation of apparatus for transmission of image(s) between distant pointsreproduced through electrical or other means with or without connecting wires.