§ 5-70-10 - Application.
SECTION 5-70-10
§ 5-70-10 Application. (a) Applications for licenses required by the provisions of this chapter shallbe filed with the licensing authority through the department of labor andtraining, division of professional regulation on a form provided by thelicensing authority.
(2) If the applicant is an individual the application shallbe subscribed and sworn to by the individual. If the applicant is a firm,partnership, or corporation, the application shall be subscribed and sworn toby an owner in the case of a firm, and by at least one general partner in thecase of a partnership, and by a corporate officer in the case of a corporation.
(3) If the applicant is an individual and does not reside,operate any business or is not employed within the state; or if in the eventthe applicant is a firm, partnership, or corporation and no owner or generalpartner or corporate officer resides or is employed within the state, then theapplication must also be subscribed and sworn to by an individual having theauthority and the responsibility for the management and operations of thebusiness within the state.
(b) If the applicant is a corporation, the application shallspecify the date and place of its incorporation, the location of theapplicant's principal place of business, a list of the principal officers ofthe corporation, owners of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of outstandingstock of all classes of the corporation, and the business address, residenceaddress and the office or position held by each officer in the corporation.
(c) The application shall include the following informationfor each individual required to subscribe and swear to it:
(1) The individual's full name and address (business andresidence);
(2) The individual's business and residence telephone number;
(3) The individual's date and place of birth;
(4) A head and shoulders photograph (passport type) takenwithin three (3) months prior to the date of the submission of the application;
(5) The name and address of the individual's relevant pastand present employment; name, address, and telephone number of supervisor andthe length of time engaged in the employment;
(6) Evidence of experience as required by subsection (g) ofthis section.
(d) Applications for TSC license shall include the followinginformation concerning the applicant:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the business;
(2) A sworn statement as to the length of time that theapplicant has been engaged in the telecommunications business;
(3) Evidence of experience as required by subsection (g) ofthis section.
(e) The licensing authority may require that the applicationinclude any other information which the licensing authority may reasonably deemnecessary to determine whether the applicant or individual signing theapplication meets the requirements of this chapter or to establish the truth ofthe facts set forth in the application.
(f) Any individual signing a license application must be atleast eighteen (18) years of age.
(g) Applicants may submit as evidence of experience thefollowing:
(1) Completed forms as approved by the licensing authoritywith employment verified by the qualified employer and signed under any of thepenalties set forth for making false statements as evidence of experience.
(2) A valid license issued under the conditions of thischapter by the licensing authority.
(3) Documentary evidence of experience while serving with thearmed forces of the United States indicating formal training, jobclassification, job description, length of job assignment, and any otherevidence that may reasonably be required by the licensing authority todetermine suitability.
(4) Anyone having evidence of experience other than asoutlined in this section may submit the evidence to the board for considerationfor approval.