§ 5-69-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 5-69-2
§ 5-69-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "ACDP" means an advanced chemical dependency professionalcertification as per the Rhode Island board for certification of chemicaldependency professionals requirements.
(2) "ACDP II" means an advanced chemical dependencyprofessional II certification as per the International Certification andReciprocity Consortium/Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse. "ICRC/AODA".
(3) "Advertise" includes, but is not limited to, the issuingor causing to be distributed any card, sign, or device to any person; or thecausing, permitting, or allowing any sign or marking on or in any building orstructure, or in any newspaper or magazine or in any directory, or on radio ortelevision, or by the use of any other means designed to secure publicattention.
(4) "Approved continuing education" means research andtraining programs, college and university courses, in-service trainingprograms, seminars and conferences designed to maintain and enhance the skillsof substance abuse counselors or clinical supervisors and which are recognizedby the ICRC/AODA member board.
(5) "CDCS" means chemical dependency clinical supervisor.
(6) "Clergy" includes any minister, priest, rabbi, ChristianScience practitioner, or any other similar religious counselor.
(7) "Continuum of care network" means public and privatesubstance abuse care agencies such as detoxification centers, emergency rooms,hospitals, treatment centers, outpatient and day treatment clinics, andcommunity residences for substance abusers. The services employs or refers tomedical, psychological, health, and counseling professions that treat substanceabuse and related concerns.
(8) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of health.
(9) "Director" means the director of the Rhode Islanddepartment of health.
(10) "Documented professional work experience" means theICRC/AODA member board approved form completed by employer or approvedsupervisor verifying dates of employment and responsibilities.
(11) "Experience" means six thousand (6,000) hours ofsupervised practice of chemical dependency counseling in a department of mentalhealth, retardation, and hospitals licensed or ICRC/AODA member board approvedfacility during a sixty (60) month period of time immediately preceding thedate of application for licensure.
(12) "ICRC/AODA" means International Certification andReciprocity Consortium/Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse.
(13) "Licensed chemical dependency clinical supervisor" meansan individual licensed by the department of health to practice and supervisesubstance abuse counseling and who meets the qualification established in thissection.
(14) "Licensed chemical dependency professional" means anindividual licensed by the department of health to practice substance abusecounseling and who meets the qualifications established in this section.
(15) "Licensing board" or "board" means the board oflicensing for chemical dependency professionals.
(16) "Member Board" means the Rhode Island Board forCertification of Chemical Dependency Professionals.
(17) "Practice of substance abuse counseling" means renderingor offering to render professional service for any fee, monetary or otherwise,documented to individuals, families or groups. Those professional servicesinclude the application of the ICRC/AODA specific knowledge, skills,counseling theory, and application of techniques to define goals and develop atreatment plan of action aimed toward the prevention, education, or treatmentin the recovery process of substance abuse within the continuum of care servicenetwork. The practice further includes, but is not limited to, networking andmaking referrals to medical, social services, psychological, psychiatric,and/or legal resources when indicated.
(18) "Recognized education institution" means any educationalinstitution, which grants an associate, bachelor, masters, or doctoral degreeand which is recognized by the board, or by a nationally or regionallyrecognized educational or professional accrediting organization.
(19) "Substance abuse" means addictive (chronic or habitual)consumption, injection, inhalation, or behavior of/with substance (such asalcohol and drugs), progressively injuring and afflicting the user'spsychological, physical, social, economical, and/or spiritual functioning.
(20) "Supervision" means no less than one hour per week andconsists of individual or group supervision with a clinician licensed orcertified in substance abuse counseling with education, supervisory experience,and ethics approved by the ICRC/AODA member.