§ 5-68-4 - The board of radiologic technology.
SECTION 5-68-4
§ 5-68-4 The board of radiologictechnology. (a) Within the division of professional regulation of the department of healththere is a board of radiologic technology consisting of seven (7) members asfollows:
(1) One member shall be a member of the public who has nofinancial interest in radiologic technology other than as a consumer orpossible consumer of its services. They shall have no financial interestpersonally or through a spouse.
(2) Two (2) members of the board shall be licensedpractitioners, one of whom shall be a radiologist who utilizes ionizingradiation in the normal course of his or her practice. Nominations for thelicensed practitioner board members shall be submitted by the Rhode IslandMedical Society and the Radiologic Society of Rhode Island to the departmentfor approval.
(3) Three (3) members of the board shall be licensed underthis chapter. One shall be from radiography, one shall be from nuclearmedicine, and one shall be from radiation therapy. Nominations from the RhodeIsland Society of Radiologic Technologists, the New England Society ofRadiation Therapy Technologists, and the Society of Nuclear Medicine (NewEngland chapter), shall be submitted to the department for approval.
(4) One member shall be a representative of the hospitalassociation who shall be nominated by the Hospital Association of Rhode Islandand submitted to the department for approval.
(5) The director of the department, with the approval of thegovernor, within sixty (60) days following the enactment of this chapter, shallappoint one member for a term of one year; two (2) for a term of two (2) years;and two (2) for a term of three (3) years. Appointments made after this shallbe for three (3) year terms, but no person shall serve more than two (2)consecutive terms.
(6) The director, in his or her initial appointment, shallappoint as radiologic technologist members of the board, persons currentlypracticing as registered radiologic technologists in Rhode Island.
(7) The board shall meet during the first month of eachcalendar year to select a chairperson and for other purposes. At least oneadditional meeting shall be held before the end of each calendar year. Othermeetings shall be convened at the call of the chairperson, the administrator ofprofessional regulation or upon the written request of any two (2) boardmembers.
(8) In the event of a vacancy in one of the positions, thedirector of the department of health, with the approval of the governor, mayappoint a person who shall fill the unexpired term.
(b) The duties of the board shall be as follows:
(1) To evaluate the qualifications of applicants and reviewthe required examination results administered by a testing agency approved bythe board;
(2) To recommend to the director the issue of licenses toapplicants who meet the requirements of the Radiologic Technology Act; and
(3) To administer, coordinate, and enforce the provisions ofthis chapter and investigate persons engaging in practices that may violate theprovisions of the chapter;
(4) To recommend to the director the denial or revocation oflicenses to practice radiologic technology as provided in this chapter;
(5) To recommend to the director adoption of rules andregulations.