§ 5-65-19 - Penalty for operating without a registration Failure to comply with a final order of the board Repeat offense a felony.
SECTION 5-65-19
§ 5-65-19 Penalty for operating without aregistration Failure to comply with a final order of the board Repeat offense a felony. (a) Any person who violates a final order of the board, or fails to register asa contractor as stipulated, and upon proper written notification, is deemedguilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be imprisoned for a termnot exceeding one year, or fined not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000)for a first offense and not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for asecond and/or subsequent offense(s) each.
(b) A final order shall be considered delivered when servedto a defendant or designated agent to accept service. In addition to anysentence or fine imposed by the court under subsection (a) of this section, thecourt may order a defendant to comply with any outstanding final order of theboard, including any monetary judgment, and/or to pay to the board anyoutstanding fine or fines previously imposed by the board pursuant to thischapter.
(c) If a contractor is a repeat offender with violations ofthree (3) or more final orders of the board with respect to three (3) separatecontracts executed by three (3) separate individuals/aggrieved parties and saidviolations are filed within a twenty-four (24) month period, the violationshall be prosecuted as a felony and upon conviction the violator shall besubject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed five (5) years or fined notmore than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).