§ 5-65.1-7 - Applicability.
SECTION 5-65.1-7
§ 5-65.1-7 Applicability. (a) Any person who conducts a home inspection as defined by this chapter shallbe licensed pursuant to this chapter, and comply with all the requirements ofthis chapter and any subsequent rules or regulations promulgated by the board.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to thefollowing provided the person does not hold himself or herself out as a homeinspector or one who performs home inspections as defined in this chapter:
(1) Any person who is employed by a governmental agency orpublic body and acting within the scope of that government employment;
(2) Any person regulated by the state as an architect,professional engineer, electrical contractor, or master plumber, who is actingwithin the scope of practice of his or her profession or occupation;
(3) Any state licensed real estate broker,broker-salesperson, or salesperson, who is acting within the scope of his orher profession;
(4) Any state licensed real estate appraiser or certifiedgeneral or residential real estate appraiser, who is acting within the scope ofhis or her profession;
(5) Any person regulated by the state as an insuranceadjuster, who is acting within the scope of his or her profession;
(6) Any person certified or registered as a pesticideapplicator, who is acting within the scope of his or her profession;
(7) Any person performing an inspection under the supervisionof a licensed home inspector for the purpose of meeting the requirements ofsubdivision (a)(3) of § 5-65.1-5 to qualify for licensure as an associatehome inspector;
(8) Any person registered/licensed as a contractor in goodstanding in any state acting within the scope of his or her occupation andexperience; and
(9) Any person conducting real estate inspections as a partof the insurance underwriting process.