§ 5-57-34 - Nontransferability of I.D. cards.
SECTION 5-57-34
§ 5-57-34 Nontransferability of I.D.cards. No I.D. card issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall betransferable. I.D. cards issued by the licensing authority must be surrenderedto the licensing authority by the I.D. cardholder or employer of the cardholderupon termination of employment. A new application for an I.D. card must besubmitted to the licensing authority if the I.D. cardholder is subsequentlyemployed by another alarm business. Temporary I.D. cards issued by alarmbusinesses must also be surrendered to the alarm business issuing that card bythe I.D. cardholder upon termination of employment or association with thealarm business. Willful and knowing refusal upon request of the licensingauthority or the alarm business to return an I.D. card is a misdemeanor. No newapplication or fee shall be required of a cardholder who, following voluntarytermination, returns to employment with the same alarm business ifreinstatement takes place within six (6) months of the issuance of the originalor renewal I.D. card. After notification of reinstatement, the licensingauthority shall forward the reclaimed cardholder's I.D. card to the employingalarm business for dispersal to the cardholder. The re-issued I.D. card shallexpire two (2) years from the original date of issue. The break in servicebetween employment, termination, and re-employment of the cardholder with thealarm business shall be documented on the next application for renewalsubmitted at the required time to the licensing authority.