§ 5-57-23 - Application, license, replacement and renewal fees.
SECTION 5-57-23
§ 5-57-23 Application, license,replacement and renewal fees. (a) A nonrefundable application fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125)shall be remitted with each application to cover investigation andadministrative costs.
(b) The licensing authority shall promulgate rules andregulations mandating the term of license for each license issued pursuant tothis chapter; no license shall remain in force for a period in excess of three(3) years.
(c) Any fee for the initial issuance of a license or for therenewal of a license shall be determined by multiplying the per annum fee bythe term of years of the license. The entire fee for the total term oflicensure shall be paid prior to issuing the initial license or renewal.
(d) The per annum fee for the initial issuance of a licenseshall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) which shall be remitted with theapplication, but which shall be refunded if the application of the alarmbusiness is denied or withdrawn before approved.
(e) The licensee shall submit a completed renewal applicationform not later than thirty (30) days before the expiration of the license witha fifty dollar ($50.00) nonrefundable administrative fee to cover the cost ofprocessing the renewal application.
(2) The per annum fee for renewal shall be one hundreddollars ($100.00). If the renewal application of the licensee is denied, theannual fee will be refunded.
(f) All fees shall be paid into the general fund.
(g) There shall be a ten dollar ($10.00) charge for theissuance of a duplicate license to replace a lost, damaged original, or renewallicense. Fees for the replacement license shall be paid into the general fund.