§ 5-56.1-1 - Declaration of intent and purpose.
SECTION 5-56.1-1
§ 5-56.1-1 Declaration of intent andpurpose. (a) Whereas sewage entering individual sewage disposal systems containsbacteria, viruses, other pathogens and nutrients; and, whereas the sewage mayalso contain hazardous materials, including, but not limited to, cleaningfluids, paints, hobby supplies and other hazardous household chemicals; and,whereas improperly designed or defectively installed and failing individualsewage disposal systems may degrade wetlands, groundwater, or surface waters,including drinking water sources; and, whereas the public health, the publicwelfare, and the environment require protection from pollutants emanating fromindividual sewage disposal systems; the general assembly establishes licensingrequirements and responsibilities for persons involved in certain design andinstallation activities relating to individual sewage disposal systems.
(b) The purpose of this chapter is to establish provisions,qualifications and procedures for licensing persons engaged in the preparationof applications, plans, certifications and specifications for individual sewagedisposal systems, also referred to as "ISDS", for submittal to the departmentof environmental management.