§ 5-54-5 - Board of licensure.
SECTION 5-54-5
§ 5-54-5 Board of licensure. (a) The director of the department of health, with the approval of thegovernor, shall appoint a board consisting of seven (7) persons, residents ofthe state, to constitute a board of licensure for physician assistants with theduties, powers, and authority as stated in this chapter, and that board shallbe composed of the following:
(1) Two (2) members shall be licensed physicians under theprovisions of chapter 37 of this title who have been actively engaged in thepractice of medicine;
(2) One member is a chief executive officer of a health carefacility located and licensed in the state or his or her designee who is notlicensed in any health care profession;
(3) Two (2) members who are representatives of the generalpublic not employed in any health-related field; and
(4) Two (2) members shall be physician assistants.
(b) Members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) yearseach with no member serving more than two (2) consecutive terms.
(c) In his or her initial appointment, the director shalldesignate the members of the board of licensure for physician assistants asfollows: two (2) members to serve for terms of three (3) years; two (2) membersto serve for a term of two (2) years; and three (3) members to serve for a termof one year. Any additional appointments shall serve for one year.
(d) The director of the department of health may remove anymember of the board for cause.
(e) Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion ofany term in the same manner as the original appointment.