§ 5-51-4 - Filing of applications for license.
SECTION 5-51-4
§ 5-51-4 Filing of applications forlicense. (a) An application for a license to practice landscape architecture shall besubmitted on the form provided by the board, and shall be received at any timeduring regular business hours at the office of the board. Before being eligiblefor licensure as a landscape architect, each applicant shall submit evidence tothe board of the following:
(1) The applicant has completed a course of study and hasgraduated from a college or school of landscape architecture approved by theboard. In lieu of graduation from an approved college or school of landscapearchitecture, an applicant may present evidence of at least six (6) years ofpractical experience in landscape architectural work of a grade and charactersatisfactory to the board. Credit may be given for approved college education,in the discretion of the board; and
(2) The applicant has had either: (i) a minimum of two (2)years' experience in landscape architectural work under the direct supervisionof a registered landscape architect and of a grade and character satisfactoryto the board; or (ii) one year's experience in landscape architectural workunder the direct supervision of a registered landscape architect and of a gradeand character satisfactory to the board and one year's experience in relatedwork under the direct supervision of a registered "allied professional" and ofa grade and character satisfactory to the board. For purposes of thissubsection, the term "allied professional" shall mean an individualprofessional licensed as an architect, engineer, or a land surveyor; and
(3) He or she has satisfactorily completed all sections ofthe examination as required by the board.
(b) Each applicant shall submit, with the formal applicationfor a license, authentic proof of the statements made in the application, byattaching any documentary evidence, affidavits, registrars statements,diplomas, published data, photographs, photostats, or any other sworn evidence,as in the discretion of the board, may be sufficient to show that the applicantis clearly eligible under the section of the law upon which the application isbased. All documents shall be properly marked for identification and ownership.
(c) The board shall reserve the right to retain, as apermanent part of the application, any or all documents submitted. Originaldocuments, at the request and expense of the applicant, may be replaced byphotostatic copies of those documents.