§ 5-49-3 - Receipt required to be furnished to a person supplied with hearing aid.

SECTION 5-49-3

   § 5-49-3  Receipt required to be furnishedto a person supplied with hearing aid. – (a) Any person who practices the fitting and sale of hearing aids shall deliverto each person supplied with a hearing aid a receipt, which shall contain thelicensee's signature and show his or her business address and the number of hisor her certificate, together with specifications as to the make and model ofthe hearing aid furnished, and the full terms of sale clearly stated. If ahearing aid which is not new is sold, the receipt and the container shall beclearly marked as "used" or "reconditioned" whichever is applicable, with termsof guarantee, if any.

   (b) The receipt shall bear in no smaller type than thelargest used in the body copy portion the following: "The purchaser has beenadvised at the outset of his or her relationship with the hearing aid dealerthat any examination(s) or representation(s) made by a licensed hearing aiddealer and fitter in connection with the fitting and selling of this hearingaid(s) is not an examination, diagnosis, or prescription by a person licensedto practice medicine in this state and therefore must not be regarded asmedical opinion or advice."

   (c) The receipt, covering agreements consummated at any placeother than at an address of the seller, shall contain the following statement:"You may cancel this agreement if it has been consummated by a party at anyplace other than at a business address of the seller by a written noticedirected to a business address of the seller by registered mail, telegram, ordelivery, not later than midnight of the third business day following thesigning of the agreement."

   (d) The receipt shall contain language that verifies that theclient has been informed about the benefits of audio switch technology,including increased access to telephones and assistive listening systemsrequired under the "American with Disabilities Act of 1990", and section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The client shall be informed that an audioswitch is also referred to as a telecoil, t-coil or t-switch.

   (e) The receipt shall contain language that informs theclient about the Rhode Island adaptive telephone equipment loan programcommittee established by chapter 39-23 that provides assistive communicationsdevices to residents of this state who have hearing loss and about the RhodeIsland commission on the deaf and hard of hearing established by chapter 23-1.8that provides resources related to hearing loss.

   (f) Any person engaging in the fitting and sale of hearingaids will, when dealing with a child ten (10) years of age or under, ascertainwhether the child has been examined by an otolaryngologist, or primary carephysician and an audiologist for his or her recommendation within ninety (90)days prior to the fitting. If that is not the case, a recommendation to do somust be made, and this examination must be conducted before the sale of anyhearing aid.

   (g) Prior to delivery of services or products to theprospective purchaser, a licensee shall provide discussion of amplification oraural rehabilitation options appropriate to the hearing loss and communicationneeds presented by the patient.

   (h) A licensee delivers information, either written or oral,appropriate to the patient's needs and options under discussion, including, butnot limited to, types of circuitry, telecoils, or programmability, and ifapplicable, estimated unit prices for the following service, hearing aid(s),accessories, service contracts, hearing aid (loss and damage) insurance, healthcare coverage, warranty, financing, and related goods and services.

   (i) At the time of delivery of selected amplification, thedispenser shall deliver a written delivery receipt containing the following:

   (1) Business name, full address, and department of healthlicense number of the dispenser;

   (2) Name, full address of patient and purchaser;

   (3) The instrument identification including manufacturer,model, serial number;

   (4) Identification of used or reconditioned units;

   (5) The total price and applicable warranty time periods ofinstrumentation and accessories such as earmolds, batteries, cords, etc.;

   (6) Any additional insurance that has been placed on theinstrument;

   (7) All services included by the dispenser program as part ofthe complete amplification package, i.e. follow-up visits, or reprogrammingvisits in the event the instrument is programmable;

   (8) A notice conspicuously in type that is at least four (4)points larger than the surrounding text: "A hearing aid will not restore normalhearing. The purchaser has a thirty (30) day trial period during which time thepurchaser may return the instrument, in the original condition less normalwear, with no further financial obligation. This product is protected bychapter 45 of title 6 entitled "Enforcement of Assistive TechnologyWarranties', which shall be made available by the dispenser, upon request". Thepurchaser has access to the dispenser during the trial period, in order toreceive appropriate follow-up monitoring, i.e. modification, adjustment,reprogramming, or shell refit, in order to optimize comfort and instrumentbenefit. The trial period may be extended beyond thirty (30) days if agreed to,in writing, by the dispenser and the consumer.

   (9) All professional and service fees shall be clearly statedin the contract. Refund shall be made to the customer within ten (10) days ofreturn;

   (10) Signature of dispenser and name in print;

   (11) Signature of patient;

   (12) Date of purchase; and

   (13) Department of health license number.

   (14) Language that verifies that the client has been informedof subsections 5-49-3(d) and (e).