§ 5-48-3 - Board of examiners – Duties and powers – Meetings – Compensation of members.
SECTION 5-48-3
§ 5-48-3 Board of examiners – Dutiesand powers – Meetings – Compensation of members. – (a) The board shall administer, coordinate, and enforce the provisions of thischapter, evaluate the qualifications of applicants, and may issue subpoenas,examine witnesses, and administer oaths, conduct hearings, and at itsdiscretion investigate allegations of violations of this chapter and imposepenalties if any violations of the chapter have occurred.
(b) The board shall conduct hearings and keep records andminutes as necessary to an orderly dispatch of business.
(c) The board shall, with the approval of the director of thedepartment of health, adopt, amend or repeal rules and regulations, including,but not limited to, regulations that delineate qualifications for licensure andestablish standards of professional conduct. Following their adoption, therules and regulations shall govern and control the professional conduct ofevery person who holds a license to practice speech language pathology oraudiology in this state.
(d) The board shall make available complete lists of thenames and addresses of all licensed speech language pathologists and/oraudiologists.
(e) The board may request legal advice and assistance fromthe appropriate state legal officer.
(f) Regular meetings of the board shall be held at the timesand places that it prescribes, and special meetings may be held upon the callof the chairperson; provided, that at least one regular meeting shall be heldeach year.
(g) The conferral or enumeration of specific powers in thischapter shall not be construed as a limitation of the general powers conferredby this section. No member of the board shall be liable to civil action for anyact performed in good faith in the performance of his or her duties asprescribed by this chapter.
(h) Board members shall serve without compensation.
(i) The board may suspend the authority of any registeredspeech language pathologist or audiologist to practice speech languagepathology or audiology for failure to comply with any of the requirements ofthis chapter.