§ 5-48-11 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of licenses.
SECTION 5-48-11
§ 5-48-11 Grounds for suspension orrevocation of licenses. The license of any speech language pathologist and/or audiologist may besuspended or revoked by the board upon proof that he or she:
(1) Fraudulently or deceptively obtained or attempted toobtain a license for the applicant, licensee, holder, or for another;
(2) Fraudulently or deceptively used a license;
(3) Altered a license;
(4) Aided or abetted unlicensed practice;
(5) Committed fraud and deceit in the practice of speechlanguage pathology or of audiology, including, but not limited to:
(i) Using or promoting, or causing the use of, anymisleading, deceiving, or untruthful advertising matter, promotionalliterature, testimonial, guarantee, warranty, label, brand, insignia, or anyother representation;
(ii) Falsely representing the use or availability of servicesor advice of a physician;
(iii) Misrepresenting the applicant, licensee, or holder byusing the word "doctor" or any similar word, abbreviation, or symbol, if theuse is not accurate or if the degree was not obtained from an accreditedinstitution;
(iv) Making or filing a false report or record in thepractice of speech language pathology or audiology;
(v) Submitting a false statement to collect a fee; and
(vi) Obtaining a fee through fraud or misrepresentation;
(6) Providing services while mentally incompetent;
(7) Engaging in illegal, incompetent, or habitually negligentpractice;
(8) Providing professional services while:
(i) Under the influence of alcohol; or
(ii) Using any narcotic or controlled dangerous substance orother drug that is in excess of therapeutic amounts or without valid medicalindication;
(9) Promoting the sale of devices, appliances, or products toa patient who cannot benefit from these devices, appliances or products; or
(10) Violating any provision of this chapter, any lawfulorder given, or rule or regulation adopted by the board or departure from orfailure to conform to the current standards of acceptable prevailing practiceand code of ethics of speech language pathology or audiology;
(11) Being convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolocontendere to, a felony or to a crime involving moral turpitude, whether or notany appeal or another proceeding is pending to have the conviction or plea setaside;
(12) Incompetent or negligent misconduct in the practice ofspeech language pathology or audiology;
(13) Is habitually intemperate or is addicted to the use ofhabit forming drugs;
(14) Being disciplined by a licensing or disciplinaryauthority of any other state or country, or convicted or disciplined by a courtof any state or country, for an act that would be grounds for disciplinaryaction under this section; or
(15) Failing to maintain continuing education requirements.