§ 5-40-7 - Licensing of physical therapists.
SECTION 5-40-7
§ 5-40-7 Licensing of physical therapists. (a) By Examination. The applicant is required to pass with a gradedetermined by the board, an examination approved by the department inconsultation with the board; physical therapists licensed under the provisionsof this chapter on August 31, 1982, shall continue to be licensed.
(b) Without Examination by Endorsement. A license topractice physical therapy may be issued without examination to an applicant whohas been licensed by examination as a physical therapist under the laws ofanother state or territory or District of Columbia, if, in the opinion of theboard, the applicant meets the qualifications required of physical therapistsin this state.
(c) Graduate Practice. Every graduate of a boardapproved physical therapy school who has filed a physical therapy applicationmay, upon receiving a permit from the department of health, perform as aphysical therapist under the supervision of a physical therapist licensed inthis state.
(2) During this period, the applicant shall identify him orherself only as a "graduate physical therapist".
(3) If the applicant fails to take the examination, asspecified in § 5-40-7(a), within ninety (90) days from effective date ofgraduate status, without cause, or fails to pass the examination and receive alicense, all privileges provided in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsectionautomatically cease.
(d) Foreign-Trained Applicants. If the foreign-trainedapplicant has successfully met the requirements of the rules and regulations,the applicant's credentials shall be accepted by the board.
(2) Prior to becoming licensed in this state, theforeign-trained applicant must also meet all of the appropriate requirementsdescribed in this section or its equivalent as established in rules andregulations.