§ 5-40.1-7 - Persons and practices not affected.
SECTION 5-40.1-7
§ 5-40.1-7 Persons and practices notaffected. – Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing or restricting thepractice, services, or activities of:
(1) Any person licensed in this state by any other law fromengaging in the profession or occupation for which he or she is licensed;
(2) Any person employed as an occupational therapist oroccupational therapy assistant by the government of the United States or anyagency of it, if that person provides occupational therapy solely under thedirection or control of the organization by which he or she is employed;
(3) Any person pursuing a supervised course of study leadingto a degree or certificate in occupational therapy at an accredited or approvededucational program, if the person is designated by a title which clearlyindicates his or her status as a student or trainee; or
(4) Any person fulfilling the supervised fieldwork experiencerequirements of § 5-40.1-8(a)(3), if the experience constitutes a part ofthe experience necessary to meet the requirement of that section.