§ 5-38.2-2 - Hearings and objections by neighboring landowners.
SECTION 5-38.2-2
§ 5-38.2-2 Hearings and objections byneighboring landowners. (a) The city council of the city of Providence, before granting a license underthis chapter to operate a motor vehicle repair business, defined in §5-38.2-3, in any location not lawfully occupied for that purpose at the time ofthe application for the license, shall hold a public hearing, notice of whichshall be given by advertisement published once a week for at least two (2)weeks prior to the hearing in the manner provided by law. The advertisementshall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city ofProvidence; provided, that before the local licensing authority publishesnotice of a hearing, it shall collect from the applicant for the license a feeof ten dollars ($10.00), plus the cost of posting and publishing the notice.The notice shall state that remonstrants are entitled to be heard and shallname the date, time, and place of the hearing.
(b) The local licensing authority, before granting a licenseunder this ordinance shall provide notice of the application, by mail, to allowners of property whose property in whole or in part falls within two hundred(200) feet of the property line of the place of business seeking theapplication. The manner and method of notification of property owners shall bedone in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the local licensingauthority.