§ 5-37-16.1 - Limited registration Academic faculty.
SECTION 5-37-16.1
§ 5-37-16.1 Limited registration Academic faculty. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, a physician of noteworthyand recognized professional attainment who is a clearly outstanding physicianand who has been offered by the dean of a medical school in this state afull-time academic appointment, shall be eligible for a limited registrationwhile serving on the academic staff of the medical school. Upon recommendationof the dean of an accredited school of medicine in this state, the board in itsdiscretion, after being satisfied that the applicant is a graduate of a foreignmedical school and a person of professional rank whose knowledge and specialtraining will benefit the medical school in this state, may issue to thisphysician a limited registration to engage in the practice of medicine to theextent that this practice is incidental to a necessary part of his or heracademic appointment and then only in the hospital or hospitals and out-patientclinics connected with the medical school. Except to the extent authorized bythis section, the registrant shall not engage in the practice of medicine orreceive compensation for his or her limited registration work, unless he or sheis issued a license to practice medicine in accordance with the provisions of§ 5-37-2. The registration shall be valid for a period of not more thanone year expiring on the 30th day of June following its initial effective datebut may be renewed annually; provided, that the registration automaticallyexpires when the holder's relationship with the medical school is terminated.The application fee for the initial registration authorized under this sectionshall be four hundred and sixty dollars ($460); the initial application fee forannual renewal shall be one hundred and thirty dollars ($130); thereafter thefees shall be as promulgated by regulation of the director.