§ 5-37-16 - Limited registrations.

SECTION 5-37-16

   § 5-37-16  Limited registrations. –(a) An applicant for limited registration under this chapter who furnishes theboard with satisfactory proof that the applicant is eighteen (18) years of ageor older and of good moral character, that the applicant has graduated from alegally chartered medical school or school of osteopathic medicine having powerto grant degrees in allopathic or osteopathic medicine, and that the applicanthas been appointed an intern, resident, fellow or medical officer in a hospitalor other institution maintained by the state, or by a city or town, or in ahospital or clinic which is incorporated under the laws of this state, or in aclinic which is affiliated with a hospital licensed by the department ofhealth, or in an out-patient clinic operated by the state, may, upon thepayment of forty dollars ($40.00), be registered by the board as a hospitalmedical officer for any time that the board may prescribe. This limitedregistration shall entitle the applicant to practice medicine in the hospitalor other institution designated on his or her certificate of limitedregistration, or outside this hospital or other institution for the treatment,under the supervision of one of its medical officers who is a licensedphysician, of persons accepted by it as patients, or in any hospital,institution, clinic, or program affiliated for training purposes with thehospital, institution, or clinic designated on this certificate, whichaffiliation is approved by the board, and in any case under regulationsestablished by the hospital, institution, or clinic; provided, that eachhospital, institution, or clinic annually submits to the board a list ofaffiliated hospitals, institutions, clinics, or programs providing trainingprograms which comply with the terms of this section. Limited registrationunder this section may be revoked at any time by the board.

   (b) The director may promulgate any rules and regulationsthat he or she deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.