§ 5-37.7-8 - Security.

SECTION 5-37.7-8

   § 5-37.7-8  Security. – The HIE must be subject to at least the following security procedures:

   (1) Authenticate the recipient of any confidential healthcare information disclosed by the HIE pursuant to this chapter pursuant torules and regulations promulgated by the agency.

   (2) Limit authorized access to personally identifiableconfidential health care information to persons having a need to know thatinformation; additional employees or agents may have access to de-identifiedinformation;

   (3) Identify an individual or individuals who haveresponsibility for maintaining security procedures for the HIE;

   (4) Provide an electronic or written statement to eachemployee or agent as to the necessity of maintaining the security andconfidentiality of confidential health care information, and of the penaltiesprovided for in this chapter for the unauthorized access, release, transfer,use, or disclosure of this information;

   (5) Take no disciplinary or punitive action against anyemployee or agent for bringing evidence of violation of this chapter to theattention of any person.