§ 5-35.2-8 - Advisory committee for opticianry.
SECTION 5-35.2-8
§ 5-35.2-8 Advisory committee foropticianry. There is created an advisory committee for opticianry, appointed by thedirector, to consist of five (5) members, who shall be residents of the state,four (4) of whom shall be licensed as opticians under the provisions of thischapter, and shall have practiced as opticians for a period of at least five(5) years, and one lay person who shall be from the public. The members of theadvisory committee shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years; each membermay serve a maximum of two (2) full terms. The duties of the advisory committeefor opticianry shall include but not be limited to advising the director on allmatters pertaining to the licensure and regulation of opticianry in this state.