§ 5-35.2-5 - Unlawful sale of spectacles.
SECTION 5-35.2-5
§ 5-35.2-5 Unlawful sale of spectacles. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, as merchandise, inany store or established place of business in the state, any eyeglasses,spectacles, or lenses for incorrective vision, unless a licensed optometrist,physician, or optician under the laws of this state is in charge and inpersonal attendance at the booth, counter, or place where those articles aresold in that store or established place of business. The provisions of thissection shall not be construed to apply to the sale of simple readingmagnifying glasses, toy glasses, goggles consisting of piano white or pianocolored lenses or ordinary colored glasses, or to optometrists, physicians, oropticians who sell spectacles, eyeglasses, or lenses in prescription; provided,that seller of simple reading magnifying glasses shall have the followingnotice permanently affixed in plain view to the top of any point of saledisplay: "These magnifiers are not intended to be substitute for correctivelenses; only a professional eye examination can determine your eye healthstatus and vision needs." This notice shall also be prominently displayed inall newspaper, magazine, and other advertisements for simple reading magnifyingglasses. As used in this section, "simple reading magnifying glasses" do notinclude lenses of bifocal design or single vision lenses of over plus 2.5diopters or equivalent magnification.