§ 5-35.1-18 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of license for unprofessional conduct.
SECTION 5-35.1-18
§ 5-35.1-18 Refusal, suspension orrevocation of license for unprofessional conduct. In addition to any and all other remedies provided in this chapter, thedirector may, after notice and hearing in the director's discretion, refuse togrant, refuse to renew, suspend, or revoke any license provided for in thischapter to any person who is guilty of unprofessional conduct or conduct of acharacter likely to deceive or defraud the public, or for any fraud ordeception committed in obtaining a license. "Unprofessional conduct" is definedas including, but is not limited to:
(1) Conviction of one or more of the offenses set forth in§ 23-17-37;
(2) Knowingly placing the health of a patient at serious riskwithout maintaining proper precautions;
(3) Advertising by means of false or deceptive statements;
(4) The use of drugs or alcohol to an extent that impairs theperson's ability to properly engage in the profession;
(5) Use of any false or fraudulent statement in any documentconnected with his or her practice;
(6) Obtaining of any fee by fraud or willfulmisrepresentation of any kind whether from a patient or insurance plan;
(7) Knowingly performing any act which in any way aids orassists an unlicensed person to practice in violation of this chapter;
(8) Violating or attempting to violate, directly orindirectly, or assisting in, or abetting, the violation of, or conspiring toviolate, any of the provisions of this chapter or regulations previously orhereafter issued pursuant to this chapter;
(9) Incompetence;
(10) Repeated acts of gross misconduct;
(11) An optometrist providing services to a person who ismaking a claim as a result of a personal injury, who charges or collects fromthe person any amount in excess of the reimbursement to the optometrist by theinsurer as a condition of providing or continuing to provide services ortreatment;
(12) Failure to conform to acceptable and prevailingcommunity standard of optometric practice;
(13) Advertising by written or spoken words of a charactertending to deceive or mislead the public;
(14) Practicing his or her profession under any oral orwritten contract, arrangement or understanding where anyone, not licensed topractice optometry in this state shares, directly or indirectly, in any feesreceived by that licensed optometrist;
(15) Grave and repeated misuse of any ocular pharmaceuticalagent; or
(16) The use of any agent or procedure in the course ofoptometric practice by an optometrist not properly authorized under thischapter.