§ 5-35.1-12 - Use and prescription of pharmaceutical agents for ocular conditions Optometrists training and certification.
SECTION 5-35.1-12
§ 5-35.1-12 Use and prescription ofpharmaceutical agents for ocular conditions Optometrists training andcertification. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, amplified optometrists ofthis state may use and prescribe pharmaceutical agents in the treatment ofconditions of the human eye and its appendages, without the use of surgery orother invasive techniques; provided, that all qualified optometrists, shall bepermitted to become amplified optometrists in accordance with the requirementsof § 5-35.1-12(c) and all other requirements of this chapter; andprovided, further, that drugs contained in schedule III of chapter 21-28 shallbe prescribed for no more than seventy-two (72) hours and that; no optometristshall deliver any medication by injection.
(b) The director shall issue regulations governing theprescribing of oral pharmaceutical agents, including oral steroids and scheduleIII narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics, within the scope of the optometrist'spractice.
(c) To be newly licensed as an amplified optometrist, aqualified optometrist must meet the qualifications of § 5-35.1-2 and mustprovide evidence to the department that he or she has satisfactorily:
(1) completed at least thirty (30) hours of clinicalexperience in the treatment of ocular disease with pharmaceutical agents,consistent with current graduate degree requirements for optemetric educationeither within a four (4) year period immediately prior to the date ofapplication or as otherwise determined by the board; and
(2) completed a course in pharmacology, as it applies tooptometry, at an approved institution accredited by a regional, professional oracademic accreditation organization.
Further, to maintain amplified optometrist licensure status,all amplified optometrists must submit, upon request, evidence of an average ofat least five (5) hours of continuing education in pharmacology per year.
(d) The director, before issuing the regulations, shallrequest and consider recommendations that may be submitted by the board ofoptometry.
(e) The board shall require optometrists to adhere toelectronic prescribing standards within thirty (30) months of receivingprescriptive authority as defined in subsection 5-35.1-12(a).