§ 5-34.2-4 - Duties of board.
SECTION 5-34.2-4
§ 5-34.2-4 Duties of board. (a) Applications. Applicants for licensure shall submit appropriatecertification credentials, as described in § 5-34.2-3, plus an applicationfee (not refundable) made payable to the general treasurer, state of RhodeIsland, for one hundred and thirty dollars ($130).
(b) Renewal. Licensure as a nurse anesthetist shall berenewed during the same period as the professional registered nurses license topractice in Rhode Island. Renewal fee for a nurse anesthetists license shall beone hundred and thirty dollars ($130), ninety dollars ($90.00) of this shall befor the professional registered nurses license and forty dollars ($40.00) ofthis shall be for the nurse anesthetists license.
(c) Revocations, suspension or refusal to renewlicensure. The board may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew the licensureof any nurse anesthetist, if the board finds that the person fails to meet therequirements for practice as a nurse anesthetist specified in either thischapter or board regulation.
(d) Announcement of practice. No person may practiceor advertise as a nurse anesthetist or use other words, letters, signs, figuresor devices to indicate that the person is a certified registered nurseanesthetist, CRNA, until the person has first been licensed by the board.