§ 5-31.1-2 - Board of examiners in dentistry Members Compensation Funds.
SECTION 5-31.1-2
§ 5-31.1-2 Board of examiners in dentistry Members Compensation Funds. (a) There is created within the department of health the Rhode Island board ofexaminers in dentistry, which is composed of the following members:
(1) Six (6) licensed dentists;
(2) Four (4) public members not associated with the dentalfield;
(3) Two (2) licensed dental hygienists; and
(4) The chief of the office of dental public health, whoserves as a member of the board.
(b) The governor shall appoint the members of the board,except that prior to appointing the six (6) dentist members the governor maysubmit a list of all candidates to the appropriate dental societies forcomments as to their qualifications. No member shall be appointed for more thantwo (2) consecutive full terms. A member appointed for less than a full term(originally or to fill a vacancy) may serve two (2) full terms in addition tothat part of a full term, and a former member is again eligible for appointmentafter a lapse of one or more years. All subsequent appointments to the boardshall be for a term of three (3) years. Any member of the board may be removedby the governor for neglect of duty, misconduct, malfeasance, or misfeasance inoffice after being given a written statement of the charges against him or herand sufficient opportunity to be heard on the charges. The board shall electfrom its members a chairperson who shall be a dentist duly licensed under thelaws of the state of Rhode Island, and a vice-chairperson who shall in theabsence of the chairperson exercise all powers of the chairperson, andsecretary, who serve for one year or until their successors are appointed andqualified. The board shall meet at least once a month or more often upon thecall of the chairperson, director of health or dental administrator, at anytimes and places that the chairperson designates.
(c) Members of the board shall not be paid for the dischargeof official duties.
(d) The administration of the board shall be funded fromannual fees. The director shall in consultation with the board determine theamount of the annual fee to be charged to each licensed dentist and dentalhygienist, the payment of which is a condition to practicing dentistry ordental hygiene in the state. The director or the dental administrator has theauthority to suspend or revoke the license of any dentist or dental hygienistwho does not pay the annual fee. Monies shall be received by the department anddeposited in the general fund as general revenues.