§ 5-31.1-17 - Sanctions.

SECTION 5-31.1-17

   § 5-31.1-17  Sanctions. – If the accused is found guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in §5-31.1-10, the director, at the direction of the board, shall impose one ormore of the following conditions:

   (1) Administer a reprimand;

   (2) Suspend, limit or restrict his or her license or limitedregistration to practice dentistry or license to practice dental hygiene;

   (3) Require him or her to serve a period of probation subjectto certain conditions and requirements including, where appropriate, sanctionsor restitution;

   (4) Revoke indefinitely his or her license or limitedregistration to practice dentistry or a license to practice dental hygiene;

   (5) Require him or her to submit to the care, counseling, ortreatment of a physician or program acceptable to the board;

   (6) Require him or her to participate in a program ofcontinuing dental or dental hygiene education the area or areas in which he orshe has been judged deficient;

   (7) Require him or her to practice under the direction of adentist in a public institution, public, or private health care program, orprivate practice for a period of time specified by the board;

   (8) Assess against the dentist or dental hygienist theadministrative costs of the proceedings instituted against the dentist ordental hygienist under this chapter; provided, that the assessment does notexceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000); or

   (9) Any other condition, conditions or restrictions deemedappropriate under the circumstances.