§ 5-3.1-6 - Public accountants.
SECTION 5-3.1-6
§ 5-3.1-6 Public accountants. (a) Persons who on July 1, 1995, hold an authority as a public accountant and apermit issued under the prior laws of this state may continue to engage in thepractice of public accounting in this state as public accountants and maysubsequently continue to use the designation "PA"; provided, that those personscontinue to hold a permit issued under the laws of this state and otherwiseremain in compliance with this chapter.
(b) Persons who on July 1, 1995, hold an authority as apublic accountant but do not hold a permit issued under the prior laws of thisstate shall no longer engage in the practice of public accounting as publicaccountants in this state and shall no longer use the term "public accountant"or the designation "PA"; provided, that the board may reinstate the holder ofan authority whose permit has been suspended, revoked, or not renewed prior toJuly 1, 1995, upon application for reinstatement under § 5-3.1-15. Anapplication for reinstatement under § 5-3.1-15 shall include evidence ofthe applicant's authority to practice as a public accountant in this stateprior to July 1, 1995, and any other evidence that the board requires. Uponreinstatement, the applicant may engage in the practice of public accounting inthis state as a public accountant, may hold himself or herself out to thepublic as a public accountant, and may subsequently use the designation "PA";provided, that the applicant continues to hold a permit issued under the lawsof this state and remains in compliance with this chapter. Notwithstandingthese provisions, persons holding an authority on July 1, 1995, who areestopped from obtaining a permit under government employment restrictions, mayapply for a permit under § 5-3.1-7 within one year following terminationof that employment, and upon obtaining that permit may engage in the practiceof public accounting in this state as a public accountant subject to theprovisions of this chapter.
(c) After July 1, 1995, no person, except a person qualifiedunder subsection (a) or (b) of this section, is entitled to an authority or tobe issued a permit to practice, or to be known as or hold himself or herselfout to the public as a public accountant, or is entitled to exercise the rightsof a public accountant under this chapter.