§ 5-3.1-22 - Ownership of accountants' working papers.
SECTION 5-3.1-22
§ 5-3.1-22 Ownership of accountants'working papers. All statements, records, schedules, working papers, memoranda, and any otherdata, including, but not limited to, a data bank, which are retained by apractice unit incident to or in the course of professional services rendered toclients, except reports submitted by the practice unit to a client, are andremain the property of that practice unit in the absence of an expressagreement to the contrary between the practice unit and the client. Nostatement, record, schedule, working paper, memorandum, or other data shall besold, transferred, or bequeathed, without the written consent of the client orhis, her, or its personal representative or assignee, to anyone or any entityother than, in the case of a partnership or corporation, one or more of itssurviving partners, shareholders, new partners, or new shareholders, or anyorganization resulting from the combination or merger of the practice unit, orany other successor in interest to the practice unit.