§ 5-22-13 - Building inspection as prerequisite to license.
SECTION 5-22-13
§ 5-22-13 Building inspection asprerequisite to license. A license shall not be issued under the provisions of §§ 5-22-4 5-22-12 until the building to be used for the show for which thatlicense is desired, together with the apparatus if a motion picture show is tobe licensed, has been inspected by the inspector of buildings appointed asprovided in title 23 and the inspector has filed with the licensing authoritiesa certificate, in writing, showing that the building or apparatus meets, in allrespects, the requirements of title 23, and is otherwise safe to use for thepurpose for which the license is desired and until the building has also beeninspected by the chief of the respective fire department or his or herassistants who shall also file with the licensing authorities a certificate, inwriting, showing that the building or apparatus meets, in all respects, therequirements of the general and public laws of this state for the protection oflife and property against the menace of fire. If the building or apparatus doesnot meet those requirements or is otherwise unsafe, then the license shall notbe issued, and if any license is issued, that license is void. Any personmanaging or promoting a show under any void license shall upon convictionsuffer the penalty provided in § 5-22-18.