§ 5-21-1 - Local licensing Fees Penalty Record of transaction.
SECTION 5-21-1
§ 5-21-1 Local licensing Fees Penalty Record of transaction. (a) The city or town council of any city or town is authorized to provide byordinance for the issuing and revocation at pleasure of licenses to all personsselling, purchasing, bartering, and dealing in junk, old metals, and any othersecond-hand articles, and to all persons establishing, operating, ormaintaining automobile junkyards, subject to any conditions and restrictionsand for a term not exceeding one year that may be in the like mannerprescribed; and also for charging and collecting fees for those licenses. Thefees in the like manner prescribed shall not exceed the sum of one hundreddollars ($100) for the keeper of a shop or storehouse for the reception of anyjunk, old metals, or second-hand articles which is not an automobile junkyard,the sum of five dollars ($5.00) for any foundryperson or other person receivingthe same for the purpose of melting or converting the junk, old metals, orsecond-hand articles into castings, the sum of five dollars ($5.00) for anygatherer of these items in any bag, wagon, or cart, or the sum of one hundreddollars ($100) for any person establishing, operating, or maintaining anautomobile junkyard; and also to fix a penalty for carrying on that businesswithout a license, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation made asauthorized in this chapter, not exceeding for any one offense a fine of fivehundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months.
(b) The ordinance shall provide that each person purchasingor receiving old or used metals other than junked automobiles or automobileparts shall maintain a record of each purchase or receipt. The record shallinclude the date of the transaction, the name, address, telephone number andsignature of the person from whom the old or used metals are purchased orreceived, a description of the old or used metals, and the price paid for theold or used metals. The records so kept shall be produced at the request of lawenforcement officials.