§ 5-20.8-6 - Disclosure of psychologically impacted property.

SECTION 5-20.8-6

   § 5-20.8-6  Disclosure of psychologicallyimpacted property. – (a) The fact or suspicion that real property may be or is psychologicallyimpacted is not a material fact requiring disclosure in any real estatetransaction. "Psychologically impacted" means an impact being the result offacts or suspicions including, but not limited to, the following:

   (1) That an occupant of real property is now or has beensuspected to be infected or is infected or has been infected with HumanImmunodeficiency Virus or diagnosed with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,or any other disease which has been determined by medical evidence to be highlyunlikely to be transmitted through the occupying of a dwelling place; or

   (2) That the real property was or has been, at any time,suspected of being the site of a homicide, other felony, or suicide.

   (b) No cause of action shall arise against the seller of thereal property or his or her agent for failure to disclose to the buyer that thereal property was psychologically impacted as defined in this chapter.

   (2) Under no circumstances shall this provision beinterpreted as or used as authorization for an agent or seller to make anymisrepresentation of fact or false statement.