§ 5-20.8-13 - Cesspool inspection requirement.
SECTION 5-20.8-13
§ 5-20.8-13 Cesspool inspectionrequirement. (a) Every contract for the purchase and sale of real estate which is or may beserved by a private cesspool, shall provide that potential purchasers bepermitted a ten (10) day period, unless the parties mutually agree upon adifferent period of time, to conduct an inspection of a property's on-sitesewage system, before becoming obligated under the contract to purchase, todetermine if a cesspool exists, and if so, whether it will be subject to thephase-out requirements as established in Rhode Island general law chapter23-19.15.
(b) Failure to include the provision required in subsection(a) in the purchase and sale agreement for real estate does not create anydefect in title.
(c) Failure to provide the results of any previous inspectionof a cesspool servicing the property does not create any defect in title.
(d) Failure to include the purchase and sale agreementprovision required in subsection (a) of this section or failure to provideprevious inspection results of a cesspool servicing the property entitles thepurchaser to void the purchase and sale agreement by providing notice inwriting to the seller prior to the transfer of the title at closing.