§ 5-20.7-6 - Powers of the department.
SECTION 5-20.7-6
§ 5-20.7-6 Powers of the department. (a) The department shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Establish within the department an independent sectionnamed the real estate appraisers section, which shall operate independent ofthe real estate section;
(2) Establish the examination specifications forcertification and licensing of each category of state certified and licensedreal estate appraiser consistent with the advice of the board and establishprocedures for grading examinations;
(3) Administer the standards for education and experience asestablished by the board as a prerequisite to examination and recertificationas specified in this chapter;
(4) Administer the approval or disapproval of applicationsfor certification and licensing and to issue certificates;
(5) Administer the approval or disapproval of applicationsfor the renewal of certificates;
(6) Establish any rules and regulations that are necessaryfor the implementation of this chapter;
(7) Receive applications for state certification andlicensing and establish administrative procedures for the processing of thoseapplications;
(8) Maintain a registry of names and addresses of individualscertified and licensed under this chapter and retain all records and allapplication materials submitted to the department pursuant to the certificationand licensing process established by the department; and
(9) Assist the board, from time to time, in any other mannerthat the board requests.
(b) The department, pursuant to the provisions of thischapter, shall employ any administrative personnel and employees that arenecessary and proper to discharge the duties imposed by this chapter and todetermine and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation subject to thegeneral laws of this state.