§ 5-20.5-19 - Real estate courses and schools Regulation Issue and revocation of permits Exceptions.
SECTION 5-20.5-19
§ 5-20.5-19 Real estate courses andschools Regulation Issue and revocation of permits Exceptions. (a) The division of professional regulation is authorized and empowered toformulate rules and regulations relative to the establishment and operation ofschools, courses of study, instruction, grades and grading systems, and relatedmatters. The division and the board of governors for higher education have thepower at any time to review the curriculum of those courses.
(b) Any school, individual, or organization which offers orconducts any course or courses of study in real estate, or any course orcourses designed or represented to enable or assist non-licensees or applicantsfor license to pass examinations conducted by the division of professionalregulation shall first obtain a permit from, and subsequently abide by therules and regulations of, the division covering those schools.
(c) The division has authority to suspend or revoke thepermit of any school, individual, or organization for violation of theprovisions of this chapter or of the rules and regulations promulgated pursuantto this chapter. The provisions of this section do not apply to any college oruniversity, that has been accredited by any accrediting body approved by theboard of governors for higher education.