§ 5-2-9 - Sunday operation of bowling alleys and billiard tables.


   § 5-2-9  Sunday operation of bowling alleysand billiard tables. – (a) Town or city councils or licensing authorities in any city or town maypermit licensees operating bowling alleys, or persons paying a tax for theoperation of a bowling alley, to operate rooms or places where bowling, playingof billiards, or pocket billiards for a fee or charge may be engaged in bypatrons of those rooms or places on the first day of the week, subject to anyrestrictions and regulations that the city or town council or licensingauthority designates; provided, that the operation of bowling alleys or roomsor places where bowling, playing of billiards, or pocket billiards for a fee orcharge is permitted on the first day of the week only between the hours of oneo'clock (1:00) p.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight; and provided, that nobowling alley or rooms or places where bowling, playing of billiards or pocketbilliards for a fee or charge is operated on the first day of the week withintwo hundred (200) feet of a place of public worship used for public worship.

   (b) The operation of any bowling alley, room, or placebetween any hour on the last day of the week and one o'clock (1:00) a.m. on thefirst day of the week is not a violation of this section.