§ 5-19.1-8 - Licensing required.
SECTION 5-19.1-8
§ 5-19.1-8 Licensing required. No person shall engage in the practice of pharmacy, establish, conduct, ormaintain a pharmacy or wholesale drug operation, or manufacture drugs withoutobtaining a license under this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person topractice pharmacy or to institute or operate any pharmacy unless such personshall be a licensed pharmacist or shall place in charge of the pharmacy alicensed pharmacist. Provided, persons who provide acceptable evidence of beingcurrently licensed by examination or endorsement under the laws of other statesof the United States and the District of Columbia shall not be prevented frompracticing in this state for a period of ninety (90) days from the date on theapplication receipt, provided that they become duly licensed in this statewithin ninety (90) days. The board may, through regulations, establish theresponsibilities and duties of the pharmacist-in-charge.