§ 5-19.1-14 - Licensing of pharmacists – Prerequisites – Examinations – Reciprocity – Fees – Renewal.
SECTION 5-19.1-14
§ 5-19.1-14 Licensing of pharmacists– Prerequisites – Examinations – Reciprocity – Fees –Renewal. – (a) The director shall license as a pharmacist any individual who shall:
(1) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) Have satisfied the board that he or she is of good moraland professional character;
(3) Hold a baccalaureate degree in pharmacy or a doctor ofpharmacy degree granted by a school or college of pharmacy program that isaccredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education; or is agraduate of a foreign college who wishes to be examined for licensure as apharmacist in this state and who shall provide evidence of successfulcompletion of the FPGEC Certification Program as established in regulation.
(4) Have completed or have otherwise met the internshiprequirements as set forth in rules;
(5) Have satisfactorily passed examinations approved by theboard and the director; and
(6) Meet any additional requirements that may be establishedin regulations.
(b) The department shall, without examination other thanthose required in regulation relating to the practice of pharmacy, license as apharmacist any individual who has been duly licensed by examination as apharmacist under the laws of another state, territory or possession of theUnited States, if, in the opinion of the board of pharmacy, the applicant meetsthe qualifications required of professional pharmacists in this state.
(c) Every application under this subsection shall beaccompanied by a fee as determined by the department in regulation.
(d) The department shall provide for, regulate and requireall persons licensed as pharmacists to periodically renew their license, andshall prescribe the form of such license and information required to besubmitted by all applicants.