§ 5-19.1-10 - Restricted pharmacies License.
SECTION 5-19.1-10
§ 5-19.1-10 Restricted pharmacies License. (a) Upon application of the plan administrator or trustee of any trust, fund,pension plan, combination plan, or profit sharing plan, which is subject to theprovisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C.§ 1001 et seq., the board of pharmacy may license a facility, subsequentlycalled a "restricted pharmacy", for the purpose of dispensing pharmacy servicesto beneficiaries; provided, that no such license shall be granted unless thetrust, fund or plan demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board of pharmacythat it is associated with another such trust, fund or plan already licensed inanother state to own and operate a restricted pharmacy for the purpose ofdispensing pharmacy services to its beneficiaries. Charges for those servicesshall be determined by the trustee or plan administrator. A restrictivepharmacy may, after written notice to the board, limit its operation to aspecific schedule of drugs.
(b) The board of pharmacy may establish regulations whichshall apply to a restrictive pharmacy. Nothing in this section shall prohibit arestricted pharmacy from accepting or filling prescriptions by mail; provided,that the prescribing physician is verified, according to the proceduresestablished by chapter 37 of this title as licensed to practice in this stateor in any New England state.