§ 5-17-2 - Contents of reports – Filing by clerk.

SECTION 5-17-2

   § 5-17-2  Contents of reports – Filingby clerk. – (a) The report required by § 5-17-1 shall be made before the expiration often (10) days from the date of the removal on blanks furnished by the directorof labor and training. Those blanks shall contain generally the character ofproperty moved, the full name of the owner or person in possession, or havingthe custody of the property, the address from which and to which the hauling ormoving was done, the date of the hauling, and the name of the owner and personin charge of the vehicle.

   (b) It is the duty of the respective town or city clerks inthis state to properly keep those reports on file in their offices in aregister or by other suitable methods for preserving those reports for a periodof at least six (6) years from and after the time those reports respectivelyare filed, and those reports are open to public inspection. After the period ofsix (6) years, the reports may be destroyed.