§ 5-15-9 - Enforcement of claims against deposit.

SECTION 5-15-9

   § 5-15-9  Enforcement of claims againstdeposit. – Each deposit made with the general treasurer is subject, as long as it remainsin his or her hands, to attachment and execution in behalf of creditors whoseclaims arise in connection with business done in the state, and to the paymentof any fines and penalties incurred by the licensee through violations of thischapter. Claims under civil process shall be enforced against the generaltreasurer as garnishee or trustee by action in the usual form. All claims uponeach deposit shall be satisfied after judgment in the order in which notice ofthe claim is received by the general treasurer, until all those claims aresatisfied, or the deposit exhausted; but no notice filed after the expirationof the sixty (60) days limit referred to in § 5-15-8 is valid. No depositsshall be paid over by the general treasurer to licensees so long as there areany outstanding claims or notices of claims against them respectively, unlesshe or she finds that there is unreasonable delay in enforcing those claims.