§ 5-13-3 - Board of inspection.
SECTION 5-13-3
§ 5-13-3 Board of inspection. (a) There is created in the department of environmental management a stateboard of inspection of horse riding schools to consist of three (3) qualifiedelectors of the state:
(1) The general agent of the Rhode Island Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals;
(2) A duly qualified and licensed veterinarian to beappointed by the director of the department of environmental management; and
(3) The owner or operator of a riding school in this state tobe appointed by the director.
(b) The general agent of the Rhode Island Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals shall serve as a member of the board duringthe time he or she holds his or her position as general agent. The othermembers of the board shall serve at the pleasure of the director of thedepartment of environmental management. All the members of the board shallserve without compensation but are allowed their actual expenses incurred inthe performance of their duties. The director of the department ofenvironmental management shall furnish to the board necessary clericalassistance and supplies.