§ 5-1-2 - Definitions.
§ 5-1-2 Definitions. The following definitions apply in the interpretation of the provisions of thischapter, unless the context requires another meaning:
(1) "Architect" means any person who engages in the practiceof architecture, as that term is defined in this section as attested by his orher licensing as an architect in this state.
(2) "Board" means the board of examination and registrationof architects established by this chapter.
(3) "Certificate" means the certificate of registrationissued annually by the board, indicating that the individual named in thecertificate is an architect.
(4) "Certificate of authorization" means the certificate ofauthorization issued by the board, indicating the sole proprietor, partnership,limited liability partnership, corporation, or limited liability company namedin the certificate is permitted to practice architecture in the state.
(5) "Practice of architecture" means rendering or offering torender those services, described as follows:
(i) Rendering or offering to render services in connectionwith the design and construction, enlargement or alteration of a building orgroup of buildings and the space within and surrounding the buildings, whichhave as their principal purpose human occupancy or habitation;
(ii) The services referred to in this section include, butare not limited to, planning, providing preliminary studies, designs, drawings,specifications, and other technical submissions, the administration ofconstruction contracts and the coordination of any elements of technicalsubmissions prepared by others including, as appropriate and withoutlimitation, consulting engineers and landscape architects;
(iii) The practice of architecture does not include thepractice of engineering as defined in § 5-8-2(f)(1), but a registeredarchitect may perform any engineering work that is incidental to the practiceof architecture.
(6) "Responsible control" means that amount of control overand detailed knowledge of the content of technical submissions during theirpreparations as is ordinarily exercised by registered architects applying therequired professional standard of care. Reviewing, or reviewing and correcting,technical submissions after they have been prepared by others does notconstitute the exercise of responsible control because the reviewer has neithercontrol over nor detailed professional knowledge of the content of suchsubmissions throughout their preparation.