§ 47-2-3 - Periodical testing of municipal sealers' weights and measures by state Fee.
SECTION 47-2-3
§ 47-2-3 Periodical testing of municipalsealers' weights and measures by state Fee. (a) Every town and city sealer shall, at least once in every two (2) yearperiod, have the field weights, measures, and balances in his or her custody:tolerance tested for class F use, in accordance with current year nationalinstitute of standards and technology (NIST) handbook number 44 tolerancetables, at a laboratory accredited by the National Bureau of Standards andTechnology; adjusted if needed; and/or replaced at the expense of the town orcity if tolerance cannot be met.
(b) Every town and city sealer shall, at least once everyyear, have their five (5) gallon volumetric prover: tolerance tested for ClassF use, in accordance with current year National Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST) handbook number 105-2 tolerance tables, at a laboratoryaccredited by the National Bureau of Standards and Technology; adjusted ifneeded; and/or replaced at the expense of the town or city if tolerance cannotbe met.
(c) Town and/or city sealer field weights and/or five (5)gallon volumetric provers that do not meet or exceed the tolerance values forClass F use shall be condemned for use within the state of Rhode Island andshall be destroyed.